Reverse Engineering

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The Reverse Engineering applied by Sumiparts SAS, serves to understand the operation of a part or product and in that way modify and improve its operation.

Ingeniería Inversa

Reverse engineering is understood as obtaining crucial information or lifting designs and making measurements from a physical sample, in order to determine what materials, accessories, mechanisms are made and how they interact with each other to give the product functionality.

This type of practice had its origin at the beginning of the 21st century, where the development of programs for computers and electronic components presented high demand and constant changes in their way of being.

Reverse engineering is applicable in any field of industry, and this type of practice is kept up by various types of tests, destructive tests, chemical composition, among others.

Reverse engineering is usually taken to be synonymous with plagiarism in a technical way, in order to generate improvements and position a product on a new level. However, large industries make use of these tools to provide benefit and value to a product, which makes companies competitive and specialize in a specific field.

The industries where we most find the development of reverse engineering are:

Food Industry

Medic Industry

Metallurgical Industry

Automotive Industry

Construction Industry

If you want to know more about the REVERSE ENGINEERING, at SUMIPARTS we are willing to collaborate with you. We want to provide you with the best services at your reach. Get in touch with us by calling Pbx: +57 748 22 13 Cel: 313 699 13 56 or by sending an email to Our technical team will be ready to assist you.

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