Nowadays plastic has become an indispensable material in moderna life, given its ease of taking any form. It also highlights the wide range of application as it can be manufactured for different sectors such as construction, industrial, automotive and hydrocarbons.
The injection molding process consists of forming the plastic by means of a mold, which may contain the products with complex geometries. Initially it begins with the casting of the resin, which, through a feeder, is injected into the mold, once inside, the cooling begins to solidify the plastic and thus obtain the desired geometry.

It is a process that is carried out by means of machines for injection molding of last generation, where it is possible to inject plastic with injectors that have capacity of up to 200 Tons and molding of high speed thanks to its programmed control capacity. Our customers will have the facility to design innovative products and complex geometries, we provide tools to optimize and anticipate design problems, so that it can be reflected in an excellent finished plastic product.

En Sumiparts SAS hacemos parte de empresas líderes en la industria del desarrollo de moldes para Inyección de Plástico, dado que el resultado de los productos conformados depende de la buena calidad del molde y en parte de un buen diseño. Por lo tanto, resaltamos que el diseño de un buen molde es la clave del éxito en los procesos de inyección de plástico.
Nuestras máquinas de inyección de plástico están equipadas con las herramientas esenciales para desarrollar cualquier tipo de producto plástico, estamos capacitados para operar las 24 horas gracias a nuestro desarrollado sistema de control de calidad de nuestros procesos de manufactura.
Todos los procesos unificados nos permiten prestar un mejor servicio a nuestros clientes y gran libertad de desarrollar cualquier necesidad que se presenten desde el diseño de la pieza hasta el proceso de conformado.
Ponte en contacto con nosotros llamando al Pbx: +57 748 22 13, teléfonos móviles (+57) 313 699 13 56, o enviando un correo a Nuestro equipo técnico estará en toda la disposición de atenderle.
In Sumiparts SAS we are part of leading companies in the industry of the development of molds for Plastic Injection, since the result of the formed products depends on the good quality of the mold and in part on a good design. Therefore, we emphasize that the design of a good mold is the key to success in plastic injection processes.
Our plastic injection machines are equipped with the essential tools to develop any type of plastic product, we are able to operate 24 hours thanks to our developed quality control system of our manufacturing processes.
All unified processes allow us to provide a better service to our customers and great freedom to develop any need that arises from the design of the piece to the forming process.
Contact us by calling the Pbx: +57 748 22 13, mobile phones (+57) 313 699 13 56 WhatsApp click aquí , or by sending an email to Our technical team will be at your disposal to assist you.