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The Sumiparts SAS Sandblasting process assists in the removal of scale, rust, and oil that form on the surface of newly manufactured steel parts.


Sandblasting consists of cleaning a surface by the action of a granulated abrasive expelled by compressed air through a nozzle.

Sand blast cleaning is widely used to remove rust, mill scale and any type of coating from surfaces, preparing them for the application of a coating.

Sandblasting is one that removes all corrosion, even that of the deepest craters, without significantly wearing down the material. In addition, it provides the surface with a marked finish that serves as an anchor for recoating.

Among the abrasives most frequently used in Sandblast are: silica sand, glass bead, aluminum oxide, plastic abrasive, silicon carbide, steel shot, sodium bicarbonate, corn cob, walnut shell garnet, slag coppermade.

If you want to know more about the Sandblasting, at SUMIPARTS we are willing to collaborate with you. We want to provide you with the best services at your reach. Get in touch with us by calling Pbx: +57 748 22 13 Cel: 313 699 13 56 or by sending an email to Our technical team will be ready to assist you.

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