3D Plastic Printing

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Share on facebook Share on google Share on twitter Share on linkedin We provide 3D printing lines. At Sumiparts SAS we know that you could have doubts when you start to manufacture your products, that is why our 3D printing line is your best option.

Impresión 3D

3D plastic printing is a process where physical objects are created by placing a material in layers based on a digital model, the number of applications for which the field of 3D printing can be used from prostheses, accessories to prototypes is innumerable, the process is also available for research projects among others.

Sumiparts SAS employs the use of 3D Printing tool in order to generate confidence and safety in the negotiations of our clients, we understand that many times developments or designs of parts are generated in which doubts may arise such as: the part will present the necessary adjustments, the coupling system will be the ideal, among others.

Before you generate an investment in dies or molds, we can determine through the use of 3D plastic printing, all the dimensional or aesthetic aspects of the product, although the mechanical properties of the printed prototype are not similar to the final product, it is an ideal alternative to be sure about the mold you require or desired final product.

What materials are used in 3D printing?

Nowadays we have different materials, for the development of prototypes, being able to resemble from flexible rubber-like pieces such as TPU or TPE, to resistant pieces developed in ABS or NYLON, everything depends on the use that you need to give your prototype, and the conditions that you want to make alike in it, other materials that may interest you are:

PLA: a plastic material that helps the environment, also known as polylactic acid, which comes from natural sources such as Corn, which makes it a bio-degradable material, easy to extrude. It can be extruded at lower temperatures than ABS filament and does not easily deform.

If you want to know more about the 3D PRINTING, at SUMIPARTS we are willing to collaborate with you. We want to provide you with the best services at your reach. Get in touch with us by calling Pbx: +57 748 22 13 Cel: 313 699 13 56 or by sending an email to info@sumiparts.com. Our technical team will be ready to assist you.

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At SUMIPARTS S.A.S. We believe that your projects have to come true. We work together to provide technologies, tools and offer our best skills for the creation of our customer plans.

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